This map of 22-June-2005 covers from 15:20z to 17:28z. The Sporadic-E "cloud" was initially located above the north of Sicily island when it made MUF rise over 144 MHz between EA6 and SV3. Very quickly it began to spread towards the west and towards the north till covering almost all western Mediterranean. MUF reached 205 MHz and thanks to this fact many QSO at only 900-1000 km were made.

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This map shows the evolution, size and MUF of the sporadic-E cloud that caused the opening on 144 MHz. and it is an estimation based on the information I have picked up here and there of QSO and reports of European stations and basically from DX-spots collected by DXMAPS. I don't claim it to be accurate but just an estimation that could help understand what happened that day.

Also please notice that sometimes you will see MUF rise very quickly.  This is because of the almost complete lack of data for frequencies between 51 and 144 MHz. that leads to shown MUF rising almost 90 MHz in one minute.  You should understand that this is not the usual behaviour of MUF, but the result of that lack of data.

This animation of the ionograms of the ionosonde in Rome (the closest to the cloud) shows how foES (the bottommost white graph line) rises and at 16:15z the ionization of the ES layer (at about 110 Km of height) is so intense that the echos on the earth are clearly visible in the graph (a second graph line at about 220 Km and even a less visible third line at 330 Km. are the result of the first and second echo on the earth surface, and not a real ionization layer at those heights)

| Other Sporadic-E maps | MUF forecast |

You can help develop these maps!. After the openings, please send me your logs of 50, 70 and 144 MHz QSO via sporadic-E (Much preferably in ADIF format)

These are some of the logs received:


  15,55 SV3BSF 5/8-5/8 KM08UF
? 15,56 SV3GKE 5/9-5/9 KM08VF
? 15,56 SV3CYM 5/9-5/9 KM08VF
? 15,58 I7UGO 5/9-5/9 JN80WG
? 16,01 SV2JL 5/9-5/9 KN10LO
? 16,03 IK7IMQ 5/9-5/9 JN80XP
? 16,05 IK8BIZ 5/9-5/9 JN70GR
? 16,06 I7IWN 5/9-5/9 JN90DE
? 16,07 IK7HIN 5/7-5/9 JN81KC
? 16,09 SV2DCD 5/5-5/9 KN00NF
? 16,10 IC8FAX 559-59 JN70CN Me llam?en cw...
? 16,11 I8YZO 5/7-5/7 JM78WO
? 16,13 IK8YTA 5/9-5/9 JN70CV
? 16,15 IK8BIZ 599-599 JN70GR Contest?a mi cq-cw?
? 16,16 SV2DCD 559-599 KN00NF Idem anterior?
? 16,22 I8TUS 599-599 JM89DE
? 16,25 IK7UXU 5/9-5/9 JN81HE
? 16,51 HA1FV 559-559 JN87?? Se perdi?en el qsb?

Como ver?, hay alg? qso repetido en cw, es que apenas hab?n estaciones sin trabajar, y cuando llamaba en cw me sol?n contestar estaciones ya trabajadas en ssb.
Por lo dem?, rese?r que al final de la apertura, hab? un fuerte qsb, lo que hac? que pasases un rs de 59 y al cambio siguiente apenas se escuchase a esa estaci??
Pero ha valido la pena, he trabajado 2 nuevas cuadr?ulas, cosa que hac? mucho que no lograba!


22/06/2005 16:32 IK7UX JN81HE 59 59 2 m. SSB 1161
22/06/2005 16:36 9A4KF JN38 59 59 2 m. SSB 1037+-
22/06/2005 16:39 9A9C 59 59 2 m. SSB 1259+-
22/06/2005 16:40 9A3HK JN85LI 59 59 2 m. SSB 1303
22/06/2005 16:40 SV2JL KN1?O 59 59 2 m. SSB 1693
22/06/2005 16:41 9A2LX JN95LM 59 59 2 m. SSB 1454


22/06/2005 15:31 SV3CYM KM?VF 59 59 SSB 1662
22/06/2005 15:33 SV3GKE KM?VF 59 59 SSB 1662
22/06/2005 15:45 SV3BSF KM?VF 59 59 SSB 1662
22/06/2005 15:45 I8YZO JM78WO 59 59 SSB 1147
22/06/2005 15:46 SV2JL KN1?O 59 59 SSB 1729
22/06/2005 15:50 I8TUS JM89CG 59 59 SSB 1166
22/06/2005 15:52 SV3AQR KM?UF 59 59 SSB 1679
22/06/2005 15:53 IT9PMZ JM68PE 59 59 SSB 935
22/06/2005 16:07 I8EMG JM89CD 59 59 SSB 1167
22/06/2005 16:10 I7IWN JN9? 59 59 SSB 1399+-
22/06/2005 16:12 SV2DCD KN?NF 59 59 SSB 1577
22/06/2005 16:46 I8MPO JN7?P 59 59 SSB 1013
22/06/2005 16:51 I7UGO/7 JN8?G 59 59 SSB 1301

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